Ragnar Lodbrok, Lagertha Shieldmaiden


Ragnar Lodbrok or Lothbrok “Ragnar Hairy Breeches” was a legendary Norse ruler, king, and hero from the Viking Age described in Old Norse poetry and several sagas. In this tradition, Ragnar was the scourge of France and England and the father of many renowned sons, including Ivar the Boneless, Bjorn Ironside, Halfdan Ragnarsson, Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye, and Ubba. While these men are historical figures, it is uncertain whether Ragnar himself existed or really fathered them. Many of the tales about him appear to originate with the deeds of several historical Viking heroes and rulers.

According to legend, Ragnar was thrice married: to the shieldmaiden Lagertha, to the noblewoman Tora Borgarhjortr, and to Aslaug. Said to have been a relative of the Danish king Gudfred and son of the Swedish king Sigurd Hring, he became king himself and distinguished himself by many raids and conquests until he was eventually seized by his foe, King Ælla of Northumbria, and killed by being thrown into a pit of snakes. His sons bloodily avenged him by invading England with the Great Heathen Army.

Swords – steel
Swords shiath – leather
Bangle – brass
Hairpins – sting ray skin, leather
Leather cuirass with lace and bronze wheels
Belts – leather with cooper buckles
Hairy Breeches – sheep fur
Shoes – leather sole and lace

160 mm height without stand

Lagertha was, according to legend, a Viking shieldmaiden from what is
now Norway, and the onetime wife of the famous Viking Ragnar Lothbrok. Her tale, as recorded by the chronicler Saxo in the 12th century, may be a reflection of tales about Thorgerd , a Norse deity.

Lagertha was a skilled Amazon, who, though a maiden, had the courage of a man, and fought in front among the bravest with her hair loose over her shoulders. All-marvelled at her matchless deeds, for her locks flying down her back betrayed that she was a woman.

Shieldmaiden was a woman who had chosen to fight as a warrior in Scandinavian folklore and mythology. They are often mentioned in sagas such as Hervarar saga ok Heigreks and in Gesta Danorum. Shieldmaidens also appear in stories of other Germanic peoples: Goths, Cimbri, and Marcomanni.The mythical Valkyries may have been based on the shieldmaidens.

Earrings – sterling silver
Chain – brass
Hairpin – sting ray skin
Bangle – brass
Buckles – white metal
Ring – sterling silver
Sword – steel belt and sword shiath – leather
Dress – linen
Wrap – sheep fur
Shoes sole – leather
Shield front – leather
Shield back – wood, brass nails

150 mm height without stand

Stand – carving wood and stone with twisting parts

Winter 2014
